I'm Edward Tanoto.

I'm currently...

  • studying computer science at University of Nottingham
  • combining human designs and pushing LLM to its limit
  • building Grammable, design tool to automate visual advertisements.
  • analyzing SEA e-commerce marketplace through the lens of [diskover.id]

I'm excited about ...

  • making automations and schedulers to do basic human stuff
  • building LLM that makes use of public video, audio, images
  • engineering that freak people out
  • telling the history of technology, theories of civilizational prosperity, institution design

If any of those resonate, please reach out!

I'm always looking to befriend people who are as kind as they are ambitious, and as thoughtful as they are optimistic.

Two modes: resilient technical systems or prototyping tools that make you go "ooOOooo"

Matchmaking Scheme